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Reflection is one of the key student engagement strategies that are useful to facilitate personal or interpersonal reflection on their experiences inside and outside the classroom. Reflection also contributes to deep learning and students’ growth.

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There are four steps in the Experiential Learning Cycle, concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. The act of reflection is placed as the first step towards drawing meaning from an experience, which helps guide the learner to establish new ideas and to engage in new learning experiences. For example, students usually understand similarities and differences between ideas and events that they experienced. Tools like Mentimeter and Padlet could be helpful for learners to document and share the reflection process in the synchronous learning environment.

There are common learning design components related to reflection. For example, you can ask learners to recall relevant information from memory to assess their understanding of factual knowledge. Learners will be able to demonstrate how they organize information that is in connection to their experiences.

You can also ask learners to distinguish the similarities and differences between ideas and events to measure how they analyze and abstract key and critical information from lots of other information.

Drawing a mind-map, concept map and flowchart with PowerPoint and Miro can be effective for reflection. Discussion forum on the LMS also help learners discuss their learning experiences and make meaning from them while interacting with peers.

Resource Listing


Avenue To Learn

Avenue to Learn is a web-based course management system. It is designed to create a rich online learning environment for learners.



Mentimeter is an interactive presentation platform that you can use to engage with and collect feedback from your students both synchronously and asynchronously.


Microsoft Powerpoint

Microsoft PowerPoint turns your ideas into compelling presentations using professional-looking templates. With Live presentations in PowerPoint, audience members can see a presentation on their devices and read live subtitles in their preferred language while you speak.



Miro is the online collaborative whiteboard platform that enables distributed teams to work effectively together, from brainstorming with digital sticky notes to planning and managing agile workflows.



Padlet is a digital tool that can help teachers and students in class and beyond by offering a single place for a notice board.